Friday, July 16, 2010

Small businesses support clean energy legislation

A national survey of 800 small businesses says they support for clean energy initiatives, believe it will help the economy and can provide them with future opportunities.

The survey was conducted by Small Business Majority, American Business for Clean Energy, and We can Lead. Of course, those were the results they wanted to find, given their agendas. But the survey was conducted on behalf of those organizations by independent pollsters Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and American Viewpoint, and the questions seem to be fair. You can read the report, including questions and answers, in a PDF format.

Assuming it was an accurate survey, small businesses believe that:

Clean energy is a way to boost the economy and provide new opportunities for small business (61 percent.)

Clean energy and climate legislation is a good thing (50 percent.)

Energy legislation should include interest-free loans to small businesses to upgrade their energy efficiency (62 percent.)

Certainly, there are those who think clean energy legislation is a waste of money.

But even if you're a Global Warming skeptic, it only makes sense that we start cutting energy use and move to more sustainable practices. We want businesses to have a future. And isn't that the definition of "Sustainable"?